“What is the response factor in chromatography?” is a question on Yahoo Answers. So far there has been two answers: 1) A wordy and a bit confusing text book reply tailored more towards Gas Chromatography. Response Factor The size of a spectral peak is proportional to the amount of the substance that reaches the detector […]
Posted in HPLC
“HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists” is a new hardcover book edited by Yuri V. Kazakevich and Rosario LoBrutto with a price tag of $159 at Amazon. This is an excellent book for both novice and experienced pharmaceutical chemists that provides a unified approach to HPLC with a balanced treatment of the theory and practice of HPLC […]
So, Mikhail Tsvet was trying to solve the separation problem of the green leaf pigments. He took a glass cylinder, filled it with chalk powder, and poured a little bit of the alcohol leaf extract on the top layer . The extract was brownish-green, and the top layer of chalk column also became the same […]
Posted in IC
Today I visited my mother and as she was preparing lunch she asked me if I would like iodized or regular table salt in my soup. I went with the regular one because I never feel quite comfortable when there are artificial additives in my food. I guess it is because I have a hard […]
This question was asked today by “Rambabu26 d” and it has been answered by three chromatography wizards. Bullfrog21, who gave a short but precise answer: Peak width is the distance on the graph between the two lowest points on either side of the peak. […] A second answer came from, T0bl3rone who assumed that the […]
Here is another example of forensic application of HPLC that allows to classify and date the black gel pen ink entries on documents. Gel pens first came out in 1984 in Japan and quickly became popular throughout the world due to their solid line, bold colors, and low cost. They are also regarded as environmentally […]
Posted in HPLC, Lab on a Chip, Nano HPLC, Yahoo Answers
Nano HPLC is a relatively new development in chromatography world driven by recent advancements in proteomics that would require decreasing of inner diameter (ID) of liquid chromatography (LC) column to allow for a smaller sample amount and to increase sensitivity.
Mikhail Tsvet discovered and applied essentially a new method of analysis – chromatography.